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Heavy Metal Music Project

LightningFire is the artists project that comes with the perspective of how this artists talent for the heavy metal style that he has written, recorded and played for the masses works for all who love and swear by this type of music. But the artist has issues with the music industry itself and what the record companies have done to the business of music. They have ruined music for the listener by robbing the populace of talented and gifted people who create great music but are ignored by the record companies because we're just not a "Fresh Faced Justin Timberlake or a Bieber or a Beyonce" or are one of the brain washing genres of hippity hoppity flap n rap crap. The Heavy Metal genre was good to bands such as Van Halen and Judas Priest, but anyone new attempting it and we might as well be shunned the way the Mormons do to those who don't follow their ways or any religious group that follows that type of thinking and are of the "Underground". Well the artist wishes to say to the record companies that their greedy and selfish and miserly business practices are going to blow up in their faces one day with the hope he's still alive to see that happen...he REALLY wants to see that happen...

This Is The Artists Next Album

It Will Be Called


"Piper's Reason"

And Should Be Finished Soon

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LightningFire's 13 Piece Instrumental Album
is a completed heavy metal music album of some of the most powerful beats and rhythms ever written and are what this album stands for is to put all the hip hoppity flip flap rap n crap music that has saturated the air waves and has brainwashed the listening and buying audiences to shame and because the music business and record companies have developed a major degree of GREED, they have deprived the world of some of the best music ever created and are killing the real creators of REAL MUSIC right out of the world when we are the ones who don't steal from other people's music sources but create original music that the world will never hear because of the corruption that the executives of the music world have failed to control and are killing the true music creators to early graves where our lives don't matter anymore because they only want what they want and have saturated everyone's brains with exactly that!

This is the back of the album with the titles of all the song instrumentals it has on it. On the Home page at the top left you can listen to samples of everything on the album.

This Song Is Titled "Ah"
Overlord Death Sequence
Title Track - Lightning Fire

Here Are
Three 3
Tracks To
Listen To


These Are The Artists First Four Albums

There are a few of the best songs from each album to listen to and if you wish to purchase any of these albums, just click on the title under the album covers.

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In My Mess
Scientific Bastard
Bang The City
Moan Of Lisa
Destruction Solution
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*This was the fourth album that was finished in the 6 years the artist was locked away in his studio after his mom and girlfriend died. He thought about ending his own life but he instead learned to play guitar and poured his pain into creating the music on these 4 albums.


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King Knights And Squires
Mankind Salvation
Crater Impact
Reality Annihilation
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*The artist had really struggled to accept that he was now so alone and the car accident that had  happened in 2000 that took 70% use of his right arm that forced him to retire playing live drums after 37 years playing in bands had really sent him into a bad state of depression.


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Dreams Of The Piper
Demons And Monsters
A Silent Death Kiss
Slay The Beast
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*This is the 2nd of the four albums the artist created and at that time a really bad president had been elected into office and the artist had said he had never hated anyone so bad in his entire life that he made and created this concept album all about hating the 45th president of the USA.


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Quantum Human Theory
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Death At The End - All Of Ever
The Seed Inside
InSane In Sanity

*This is the album that had saved the artists life and kept him from ending his life because he had lost his mother and girlfriend and was very alone. He also realized that when the accident happened and he retired his drumming career, after 37+ years playing drums in bands, he came to understand that all the music he played with, none of it belonged to him. So he really had something to live for in wanting to create his own brand of music, so that was one of the forces that drove him to begin creating his own music and that's how all this began. He didn't even care if it was going to be good enough for anyone to hear since he did everything all on his own to make these self-made albums because basically he didn't want to die and leave the world without something he had created to help him maybe live on through his own music. He felt he had worked too hard at his craft to not be at all forgotten for anything he had done because he really had done a lot and just to be swept aside by the music industry and the greed that corrupted what he did.

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To the right is the program that can send to the artist any questions or just general chat you wish to convey to the artist, you can find this at the bottom of every page on the site.

So even if you would like to comment on your experience on this site or even just to say hello feel free to do just that using the box to the right >>>>>>

Thank you for visiting and exploring this talented artist's personal website.

Come back again soon!

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